In the face of global warming and air pollution, the state has vigorously supported the development of the rooftop solar power generation industry. Many companies, institutions and individuals have begun to install solar power generation equipment on the roof.
There are no geographical restrictions on solar energy resources, which are widely distributed and inexhaustible. Therefore, compared with other new power generation technologies (wind power generation and biomass power generation, etc.), rooftop solar photovoltaic power generation is a renewable energy power generation technology with ideal characteristics of sustainable development. It mainly has the following advantages:
1. The solar energy resources are inexhaustible and inexhaustible. The solar energy shining on the earth is 6,000 times larger than the energy currently consumed by human beings. In addition, solar energy is widely distributed on the earth, and photovoltaic power generation systems can be used only in places where there is light, and are not restricted by factors such as region and altitude.
2. Solar energy resources are available everywhere and can supply electricity nearby. No long-distance transport is required, which prevents the loss of electric energy formed by long-distance transmission lines, and also saves power transmission costs. This also provides a prerequisite for the large-scale planning and application of household solar power generation systems in the western region where power transmission is inconvenient.
3. The energy conversion process of rooftop solar power generation is simple. It is a direct conversion from photons to electrons. There is no central process (such as thermal energy conversion to mechanical energy, mechanical energy conversion to electromagnetic energy, etc. and mechanical activity, and there is no mechanical wear. According to thermodynamic analysis, photovoltaic Power generation has a high theoretical power generation efficiency, up to more than 80%, and has great potential for technological development.
4. Rooftop solar power generation itself does not use fuel, does not emit any substances including greenhouse gases and other waste gases, does not pollute the air, does not generate noise, is friendly to the environment, and will not suffer from energy crises or the constant fuel market. Shock is a new type of renewable energy that is truly green and environmentally friendly.
5. There is no need for cooling water in the process of rooftop solar power generation, and it can be installed in the desolate desert without water. Photovoltaic power generation can also be easily connected with buildings to form an integrated photovoltaic building power generation system, which does not require exclusive land occupation and can save precious site resources.
6. The rooftop solar power generation has no mechanical transmission parts, the operation and maintenance are simple, and the operation is stable and reliable. A photovoltaic power generation system can generate electricity only with solar cell components, and with the widespread adoption of active control technology, it can basically be unattended and the maintenance cost is low.
7. The performance of rooftop solar power generation is stable and reliable, and the service life is more than 30 years. The service life of crystalline silicon solar cells can reach 20 to 35 years. In the photovoltaic power generation system, as long as the design is reasonable and the shape is appropriate, the life of the battery can also be long. Up to 10 to 15 years.
Post time: Apr-01-2023